Wednesday 4 February 2015

Surat Cinta - Day 6

For my dearest Mba Inez.

Hai, Mba Inez. Apa kabar? Maafkan kelancanganku menuliskan surat untukmu.

First of all, I would like to explain to you the reason I am sending this letter for you. So, I am joining a project called #30HariMenulisSuratCinta. As what was stated on the hashtag, this project was to challenge us to write one letter for each day for 30 days and there are several days on these 30 days that we were challenged to write a letter with several theme and for today, the theme was For the First Time Forever. I have been thinking for whom this For The First Time in Forever letter theme will I send to. But then I watched the LCC videos last night while waiting for the rain to stop a bit at AIESEC UNHAS’ office, I found the idea to send this letter for you.

The reason I am choosing you is just a simple one. YOU ARE MY ROLE MODEL! Oh my God. This is the first time that I met a girl that I adore so much, as much as I adore a boy. Well I am still normal, Mba hehehehhe

Really, before the LCC, to be honest I was still looking for the reason why do I have to stay in this organization. I haven’t really talked to many people beside my own entity to hear their experiences. But then I met you, you told us about yourself, your passion, your dream, and the most important, your love for this organization. I feel connected by those stories you have. In the end of that day of LCC, I forgot to share to people there and especially to you that choosing to be a part of AIESEC is the best decision that I’ve ever made. I am thankful to you.

Even though you were really nice and open, I admit that I do still had the anxiety to come to you and talk to you because I see myself as an awkward person to talk to for the first time. Maybe that’s why I always failed in the first date. Haha. I really wanna talk to you in person, to hear more about you and in the end to share your story, a long with mine. How I wish we can meet up someday near in the future. Again, I am thankful that you push me to be brave to talk on the forum during LCC. To be honest, I am not a person who dare enough to talk, to stand up, to share my story to people, but then you did push me, kick me, pull me out of my box and let me see deeply into myself. That is how great you are in my eyes.

I thought this letter won’t be too long cause maybe you’re to busy to read it, but this will be the last. Thank you very much for giving AIESEC Unhas a chance to be visited by you as our wonderful Chair. How lucky we are! And most of all, thank you for sharing your story to us. I would love to hear more about it from you. I will always wish you all the best, Mba. Send my love to your family.

Your secret ‘admire’. Well... not a secret anymore~ <3


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